Dear Friend,
Thank you for your interest in Calvary Baptist Bible College. I believe you will find we have a good course of study to offer you.
Historically, God has blessed individuals and institutions that have firmly stood for the fundamentals of the faith. We have determined to maintain Biblical standards of conduct and practice, based upon the Word of God. We stand without apology for the old-time Gospel and the highest standards of morality and Christian character.
We at Calvary also believe that a call to preach is a call to prepare. Pastors must be prepared to face the challenges of the ministry with a trained mind, a compassionate heart, and a spirit that is controlled by the Holy Spirit. We are committed to giving our students the finest, well-rounded, practical, Bible-centered education possible. It is our prayer that God will set your heart aflame with a passion for the lost and a love for God’s people. Above all else, we want to please the Lord.
We will be praying with you about attending Calvary. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me. May the Lord bless you.
Yours for the Harvest,
Pastor Kevin Broyhill