COVID-19 Response


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking precautionary steps in the office as well as in the classroom to keep everyone as safe and compliant as possible.

  •  Students are to be careful and to practice physical distancing while on campus.
  • UV Air purifier systems have been installed throughout our campus.
  • Hygiene stations are strategically placed around the campus for easy access.
  •  At the present time, the wearing of masks is optional. However, any student who feels the need is encouraged to wear a mask while on campus. The mask policy may change to the mandatory wearing of masks on campus and in class where adequate physical distancing is not possible.
  •  Classrooms are rearranged to ensure that our learning environment is compliant with the mandated physical distancing protocols set forth by health officials.
  • Upon their arrival for class each day, students and professors are asked to report to the college office to complete a daily Covid-19 symptom questionnaire and temperature check. A student or professor who has a fever of 100.4 degrees or more will be asked to not attend classes until they are symptom free for 3 days.
  • If at any time during the semester you begin to feel unwell, please remain at home in order to slow the potential spread of the virus. The college will work with you to keep current with your class assignments.


In the event a virus outbreak was to occur, resulting in the temporary suspension of classes during the semester, the college is prepared to continue regular classes online until in person classes can resume. It is our desire to ensure the safety of each of our students and professors with the least possible amount of inconvenience.

COVID-19 Screening Form

If any of the 5 above are checked - go home immediately and self-isolate until you have no symptoms for 3 days without the use of any medications, and it has been 10 days since the first day of their symptoms (whichever duration is longer)

If any of the 3 above are checked, self-quarantine for 10 days from the date of the positive test or 14 days from the exposure, or until a doctor validates that it is safe to return.

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